Chochkov Rozen Milanov



Personal information



Chochkov Rosen Milanov



Pere Toshev 95 str., 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria



00359/ 884174033







Date of birth


22 may 1984

Work experience


Dates (from – to)


 2016till now

Occupation or position held


Assoc. Prof. Dr. in University of Food Technologies – Plovdiv   

–       Dep. of Cereals & Bread and Confectionary Technologies

Dates (from – to)


 2008 – 2016

Name and address of employer


University of Food Technologies (UFT), 26 Maritza blvd.; 4002- Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Type of business or sector


Education and science

Occupation or position held


Assistant prof.

–          Dep. of Cereals & Bread and Confectionary Technologies

–          French Language Center

Main activities and responsibilities


Teaching and scientific field

Degree ”Doctor” (acquired in 2012), scientific title – assistant professor

Diploma for successful PhD thesis: “Research on the baking properties of barley flour and development of technology for barley bread” – a scientific manager – Prof. Dr. Grozdan Karadzhov.

• Dates (from – to)


2008 till now

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training


 University of Food Technologies (UFT), 26 Maritza blvd.; 4002- Plovdiv, Bulgaria

• Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered


Technological faculty:

– Dep. of Cereals & Bread and Confectionary Technologies

– French Language Center

• University courses


Practical exercises:

– Raw materials in bread making and confectionary industries;

– Technology of bread, bakery and confectionary products.

– Sensory evaluation of foods (in French);

– Quality control of foods (in French);

– Technology of bread (in French);

– Technology of bread and confectionary products (in French);

Scientific publications


Annex 1

Education and training


• Dates (from – to)



• Name and type of organisation providing education and training


University of Food Technologies (UFT), Plovdiv

• Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered


Technology of fermentation products.

• Title of qualification awarded




• Dates (from – to)



• Name and type of organisation providing education and training


French high school “Antoine de Saint Exupery “ – Plovdiv

• Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered


Intensely study of french language

• Title of qualification awarded


Personal skills

and competences

Acquired in the course of life and career but not necessarily covered by formal certificates and diplomas.

Mother tongue



Others languages




Reading skills



Writing skills



Verbal skills






Reading skills



Writing skills



Verbal skills


Very good

Social skills

and competences

Living and working with other people, in multicultural environments, in positions where communication is important and situations where teamwork is essential (for example culture and sports), etc.


Communication skills obtained during working in international environment in the the international courses, foreign countries fellowships and participation in international projects, symposiums, conferences, congresses.

Organisational skills

and competences

Coordination and administration of people, projects and budgets; at work, in voluntary work (for example culture and sports) and at home, etc.


   Participations in:


1. 158714-Tempus-1-2009-1-ES-Tempus-JPHES – Improving Academia – Industry Links in Food Safety and Quality;

2. “Creation of flour mixtures and finished products designed for functional and curative nutrition“ – University of Food Technologies;


4. „Purification, properties and application in bred making of endoxylanase from Bacillus subtilis“;

5. „Bio-synthesis, purification and lipase properties of Aspergillus Carbonarius and application of the enzyme in bread-making and for the production of biodiesel“ (2012);

6. „Research and development of flax seed functional food technologies“ (2014) – contract № 14/ 14 – H – University of Food Technologies;

7. „Development of innovative biotechnological methods for functional grain drinks, Project Number – IF-00-07-139/ 01.04.2014, financed by the National innovation fund, to the Executive agency for promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises;

8. „Development of recipe and technology for gluten-free biscuits” (2015) – contract             № 19/15 – University of Food Technologies;

9. Projet AUF  “Soutien aux formations francophones ou partiellement francophones de niveau master”, l’UTA de Plovdiv et L’IUT Lyon 1 département IAB de Bourg en Bresse;

10. Projet AUF “Réseau régional francophone sur la santé, la nutrition et la sécurité alimentaire – SaIN” – 2017 – 2019.

Technical skills

and competences

With computers, specific kinds of equipment, machinery, etc.


Computers skills

·   Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, Office, AutoCAD, Visio.

Other skills

and competences

Competences not mentioned above.



– Amsterdam, Meneba.

Driving licence(s)


Category A, B








  1. Chochkov R., Tzv. Gogova, Gr. Karadzhov (2008), Pain fonctionnel avec farine de maïs et germe de blé, Н. Тр. УХТ – Пловдив, том LV, св. 2, стр. 323 – 328;
  2. Чочков Р., Гр. Караджов, М. Манджуков (2009), Изследване на някои хлебопекарни свойства на ечемично брашно Н. Тр. УХТ – Пловдив, том LVI, св. 1, стр. 77-82;
  3. Вътева Р. Д., Гр. Караджов, М. Н. Манджуков, Б. Бозаджиев, Р. М. Чочков (2009) Характеристика на някои основни показатели на царевично брашно, Хлебобулочныe, кондитерские и макаронные изделия XXI века, международная научно-практическая конференция, Краснодар, Русия (17-19 септ.), стр. 42-45;
  4. Манджуков М. Н., Гр. Караджов, Р. М. Чочков, Ю. О. Клиндухова, Р. Д. Вътева (2009), Изследване влиянието на карбоксиметилцелулоза върху кексове с извара, Хлебобулочныe, кондитерские и макаронные изделия XXI века, международная научно-практическая конференция, Краснодар, Русия (17-19 септ.), стр. 45-49;
  5. Вътева Р., Гр. Караджов, Р. Чочков, В. Чонова (2010), Сензорна оценка на солени бисквити от царевично брашно, XI Научна конференция с международно участие – Качество и безопасност на храните- Икономически университет, гр. Варна стр. 232-241;
  6. Добрев Г., Б. Жекова, Г. Делчева, П. Димитрова, Р. Чочков, Гр. Караджов, Пречистване и свойства на ендоксиланаза от Bacillus subtilis (2010), Н. Тр. УХТ – Пловдив, LVII, св 1, стр.397-402;
  7. Dobrev G., B. Zhekova, P. Nedelcheva, R. Chochkov, A. Krastanov, CHARACTERIZATION OF CRUDE LIPASE FROM RHIZOPUS ARRHIZUS AND PURIFICATION OF MULTIPLICITY FORMS OF THE ENZYME (2011), Education and basic science Biotechnol. & Biotechnol. Eq. 2011, 25(1), p. 2295-2300, DOI 10.5504/ BBEQ.2011.0003 Impact Factor: 0.503;
  8. Chochkov R. M., Prof., Karadzhov G. I., Prof., Dobrev G. T., Chonova V. M., (2011) EFFECT OF ENDOXYLANASE FROM BACILLUS SUBTILIS ON barley flour gas FORMATION PROPERTIES and rheological properties of barley DOUGH, Списание: Харчова наука i технологiя № 1(14) 2011 стр. 58-60;
  10. Zlateva D., V. Chonova, R. Chochkov, Gr. Karadzhov (2011), IMPACT OF THE TRANSPORT PACKAGING TYPE ON THE FRESHNESS OF BREAD. „Хлебобулочные, кондитерские и макаронные изделия XXI века”// II Международной научно – практической конференции Кубан. Гос Технол. Ун-т, Краснодар, 245-250;
  11. Dobreva V., R. Chochkov, G. Dobrev, B. Zhekova, M. Hadjikinova (2012), Optimisation des conditions de culturation et élaboration d’un schéma technologique de production d’enzyme xylanolitique de Bacillus subtilis pour application dans la panification, Revue de Génie Industriel ISSN 1313-8871, p. 63-75;
  12. Чонова В., Р. Чочков (2012), Изследване върху технологичната характеристика на обогатено с течни и твърди мазнини тесто, Научни трудове на Русенски университет – 2012, том 51, серия 9.2, стр. 164-168, ISBN 1311-3321;
  13. Chochkov R., Gr. Karadzhov (2012), Study the influence of dry gluten upon the quality of barley flour bread, Modern Technologies in the food industry, International Conference MTFI-2012, CZU 664 (082), volume I, p. 283-287;
  14. Chochkov R., Gr. Karadzhov, Y. Topuzova (2012), Modification of methodology for washing off gluten from barley flour, Алматинский Технологический Университет, Международная научно-практическая конференция «Инновационное развитие пищевой, легкой промышленности и индустрии гостеприимства» ISSN 978-601-263-167-8, УДК 67/68 стр. 9-11;
  15. Chochkov R., V. Chonova, G. Dobrev, Gr. Karadzhov (2013), Investigation of some properties of wheat flour/ dough with Bacillus Subtilis endoxylanase, Forum Ware International, Issue 2 (2012), ISSBN 1810-7028, p. 12-16;
  16. Чочков Р, Гр. Караджов (2013), Определяне влиянието на мазнини и захари върху сензорната оценка на бисквити от царевично брашно, XII Научна конференция с международно участие – Качество и безопасност на храните – Икономически университет, гр. Варна, стр. 277-283, ISSN 978-954-8760-51-5;
  17. Топузова Й., Гр. Караджов, В. Чонова, Р. Чочков (2013), Изследване върху някои хлебопекарни свойства на брашно от амарант, Н. Тр. УХТ – Пловдив, том LX, стр. 141 – 145, ISSN 1314 – 7102;
  18. Сопотенска Ив., Р. Чочков, Гр. Караджов, Г. Добрев, В. Добрева (2013), Влияние на липаза от Aspergillus carbonarius върху газообразуващите свойства на пшенично брашно и реологичните свойства на пшенично тесто (Détermination de l’influence de lipase, produite par Aspergillus carbonarius sur la capacité de formation de gaz de la farine de froment et sur les propriétés rhéologiques de la pâte), Н. Тр. УХТ – Пловдив, том LX, стр. 180 – 183 – ISSN 1314 – 7102;
  19. Димитров Н., В. Чонова, М. Георгиева, Ат. Ташев, Й. Топузова Р. Чочков (2013), Влияние на влажността върху някои физични характеристики на брашно от кестени, Научни трудове на Русенски университет – 2013, том 52, серия 10.2, стр. 196-200;
  20. Rosen Chochkov, Valentina Chonova, Stanimira Valova, Grozdan Karadzhov, (2013), Rheological properties of fermented beverage from barley flour, Ukrainian Food Journal, Volume 2, Issue 2, p. 320 – 326, ISSN 2304-974X;
  21. R. M. Chochkov, Gr. Iv. Karadzhov (2013), Research on the barley bread staling, СЕЛСКОСТОПАНСКА АКАДЕМИЯ ИНСТИТУТ ЗА ИЗСЛЕДВАНЕ И РАЗВИТИЕ НА ХРАНИТЕ Международна научно-практическа конференция „Храни, технологии и здраве”, сборник доклади, 2013 p. 65 – 69, ISSN 978-954-24-0229-9;
  22. Чонова В., Р. Чочков, Гр. Караджов (2014), Изследване влиянието на редуцирано количество захар върху реологичните свойства на кексово тесто и качеството на кексовете, Научни трудове на Русенски университет – 2012, том 53, серия 10.2, стр., ISBN 1311-3321;
  23. 23. M. Chonova, R. M. Chochkov (2014), Influence of emulsifiers addition on dough rheological properties and quality of cakes with unsweet taste, Міжнародна наукова конференція, присвячена 130-річчю Національного університету харчових технологій „Нові ідеї в харчовій науці – нові продукти харчовій промисловості”, стр. 373;
  24. 24. Chochkov R. М., Sopotenska, V. Chonova, G. Karadzhov (2014), Investigation of lipase from Aspergillus carbonarius upon the quality of bread, Journal of Science, Technique and Technologies, Food and Packaging Year III, № 5;
  25. Чочков Р., Р. Неделчева (2015), Влияние на орехово брашно върху някои хлебопекарни свойства на пшенично брашно, Н. Тр. УХТ – Пловдив, том LXII, стр. 30 – 33, ISSN 1314 – 7102;
  26. Чонова В., Р. Чочков, (2015), Установяване на зависимости между някои методи за определяне на преснотата на хляб, Научни трудове на Русенски университет – 2015, том 54, серия 9.2, стр. 164-168, ISBN 1311-3321;
  27. Чочков Р., (2015), Характеристика и приложение на орехово брашно, Научни трудове на Русенски университет – 2015, том 54, серия 9.2, стр. 164-168, ISBN 1311-3321;
  28. Dana A. Stefanova, Denka Y. Zlateva, Rosen M. Chochkov, (2016), Shelf life of zinc- and selenium-enriched wheat bread, Scientific Works of University of Food Technologies, 63 Scientific Conference – Plovdiv, Vol LXIII, Issue 1, ISSN 1314 – 7102, p. 71 – 76;
  29. Chochkov R., V. Chonova, Gr. Karadzhov, R. Nedelcheva, (2016), The influence of walnut flour quantity on the quality of wheat bread, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research – IJSER (ISSN 2229-5518), October: Vol 7, Issue 10, p. 1161 – 1164, Impact Factor – 3.8;
  30. Chochkov R., G. Gercheva, (2017), Sensory evaluation of pastry biscuits with thyme, oregano and sage, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research – IJSER (ISSN 2229-5518), Vol 1, Issue 1, p. 430 – 433, Impact Factor – 3.8;
  31. Chochkov R., V. Chonova, St. Iovchev (2017), Effect of beer yeast on the quality of wheat bread, International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, Volume 2, Issue 3, pp. 55-58, ISI-Impact factor: 1.691;
  32. R. Chochkov (2017), Effect of storage time on deformation characteristics and water activity of wheat bread with walnut flour, International Journal of Research in Advanced Engineering Technologies, Vol.1 Issue 1, p. 42 – 49.


  1. Participation in a course on: “Training for high school lecturers in acquiring skills for introducing information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process in higher schools and work in e-environment” – 26-28.11.2010;
  2. Participation in an international course on “Food Safety and Nutrition” – 27.01 – 01.02.2014 – Bitola, Macedonia;
  3. Participation in an international course on “Food Safety and Nutrition” – 31.03 – 05.04.2014 – Bitola, Macedonia;
  4. Participation in an international course on “Food Safety and Nutrition” – 26.01 – 31.01.2015 – Bitola, Macedonia;
  5. Participation in an international course on “Food Safety and Nutrition” – 20.04 – 25.04.2015 – Bitola, Macedonia;
  6. Participation in an international course on “Food Safety and Nutrition” – 21.09 – 26.09.2015 – Bitola, Macedonia;
  7. Participation in an international course on “Food Safety and Nutrition” – 25.01 – 30.01.2016 – Bitola, Macedonia;
  8. Participation in an international course on “Food Safety and Nutrition” – 25.09 – 30.09.2017 – Bitola, Macedonia;
  9. Participation on seminar: “How to prepare successful projects under the SME Facility, Fast Track to Innovation and other current grant schemes of the HORIZON 2020 European Research and Innovation Program”;
  10. Participation in a seminar: “Conception de cours à l’aide de la chaîne éditoriale Scenari Opale” – 12-13.02.2014;
  11. Participation in a seminar: “Création et utilisation de contenu pédagogique sur Tableau blanc interactif” – 17-18.02.2014;
  12. Participation in a seminar: “Conception of Courses à l’aide de la plate-forme Moodle” – 18-19.09.2014;
  13. Participation in a seminar: “Création et utilisation de contenu pédagogique sur Tableau blanc interactif, partie 2” – 20-21.11.2014.


  1. Rosen Chochkov, Handbook on: “Bread technology” – (Travaux pratiques de technology du pain) – 96 pages in French language.